Plum Island Bridal Shoot
Once upon a time, me and my friend Fernanda (@byfernandasampaio) decided to have some fun and take pictures of a couple as if they were on their wedding day and another bride rocking her sparkling diamond. We pulled this together in about 2 weeks, so real vendors or anything, just a very low key session for two hours at Plum Island.
I had never been there, but let me tell you, it is BEAUTIFUL & cold as well (this was early April). I give these models the highest high five for fighting through the cold wind and cold sand… BUT let’s talk about these results: B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!
I will say, Fernanda really did sway me to fall in love with her lens! My 35mm is tiny but mighty, but the 85 on the camera is just the most dreamy thing ever! I mean… look at that bokeh! Anywho, I am so happy I get to share these photos with everyone, and if you would like to take a trip up to Plum island or really any beach like Revere Beach, Nahant beach, or even down in the South Shore of Boston or Cape Cod for a nice beach session - I am all here for it!!
There are two galleries here - the first one is of the bride Isabella - the second is of the couple Sheila & Joe.